All roles are delivered by club members and prepared in advance according to the stimulight handbook.
* 7:15 pm Chair opens meeting
Chairman introduces agenda for the night.
The Chairman is responsible for the meeting agenda. He or she makes sure that the meeting runs smoothly and on time. The Chairman also acknowledges the guests.
The Timer is responsible for monitoring the time of individual speakers. The Timer also explains the use of the time indicator. The Timer reports the results at the end of the meeting.
The Grammarian gives us a "word of the day". Each member should attempt to use this word whenever it is appropriate. The Grammarian also listens to and records our use of English and monitors any unnecessary pauses or filler words. The Grammarian reports the results at the end of the meeting.
Inspirator gives an inspirational thought or message.
Jokemaster delivers a humorous story.
Delivering a good joke takes practice. The Jokemaster performs a joke or an amusing story that will make us laugh.
* 7:30 pm Toast
The Toastmaster gives a toast and introduces speakers and speech evaluators.
The Toastmaster creates an atmosphere of excitement and anticipation. He or she is responsible for introducing the speakers and evaluators.
Usually there are one or two prepared speeches presented.
Each Speaker follows the guidelines and objectives in the Toastmasters manuals. Toastmasters International recognizes the completion of the 10 speeches in the Basic Communication and Leadership manual with the Competent Communicator award (CC).
Speech Evaluators provide feedback to the speakers. The Evaluator gives a positive and honest assessment of the speaker's performance.
* 7:50 pm Break
* 7:55 pm Table Topics
Table Topics Master brings topics for the impromptu speaking session.
The Table Topics Master runs the impromptu portion of the meeting. Participants may speak for up to two minutes on a variety of topics. Guests can participate.
Table Topics Evaluator provides feedback to the Table Topics speakers.
* 8:10 pm Reports
Grammarian reports on all speakers' use of word of the day, crutches and distractions such as "ah", "um" and "you know", and generally comment good and bad grammar and word usage.
Timer reports on all times used by all speakers.
General Evaluator provides an honest and positive assessment of all performances which have not been previously evaluated. Strengths are praised and weaknesses are presented. This assists the club to further enhance its meetings.
* 8:25 pm Announcements and comments from guests
* 8:30 pm Meeting adjourns